

A student may obtain academic credit through the transfer of credits from other academic institutions, 军事学习, 并成功完成某些标准化考试. KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载 does not award credit for experiential learning or for noncredit course work except for credit earned for military experience in accordance with guidelines published by the American Council on Education.


所有学分由注册办公室评估, 采用KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载现行的标准和政策.  Official transcripts from all previous colleges and universities must be forwarded to Delta State’s Admissions/Registrar’s office and evaluated for transfer credits. 为了让KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载接受学分转移, 这些学分必须在另一所认可的学院或大学获得. 所有被大学接受的转学分, 包括高中时挣的钱, 高中毕业后, 或者在被三角洲州录取后, are counted as both attempted and earned credits and are included on the Delta State transcript. All credit hours added to the Delta State transcript will be evaluated to determine whether the courses will satisfy program of study requirements.  三角洲州使用公认的资源来帮助评估信贷.  These guides are published by the American Council on Education and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.

如果转账机构使用4.0 or modified 4.0 grading scale, then academic credit is transferred, and grades are assigned accordingly.  其他分级制度转换为4级.0 scale.  四分之一学时乘以0转换为学期学时.67.  社区大学的课程在大一和大二阶段都被接受.  虽然一些社区大学的课程可以转换为300级课程, 这些课程不会用于满足初级或高级水平的要求.  At least one year of residence or the equivalent is required for the completion of a degree program. 至少25%的学分必须在DSU完成. The successful candidate for a bachelor’s degree must have earned in residence at least 24 of the last 30 hours. Students planning to take courses at other institutions during their senior year should secure in advance the approval of their Advisor, Department Chair, and Dean.  A Degree Modification must be submitted to allow up to 6 transfer hours during a senior’s last 30 hours.  这项规定不适用于医学技术专业的学生, premedical, 以及牙科预科课程. Credit for technical courses is generally not awarded unless a student is pursuing a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree.  非学术性课程不授予学分.


The Articulation Agreement between the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning and the Mississippi State Board for Community and Junior Colleges provides a guide for students planning to transfer from one of Mississippi’s community/junior colleges to one of Mississippi’s eight public universities.  该协议包含适合转学的学习计划和课程.



International transcripts must be certified and translated into English through World Education Services, Inc. (WES), (Website: www.wes.org; email: info@wes.org )或教育证书评估员(ECE),网址: http://www.ece.org/)或SpanTran(网址: http://spantran.com/services/evaluations).  联系国际招生处, international@hebhgkq.com, 1-662-846-4574,协助订购国际或国内成绩单.


A maximum of 30 semester hours of undergraduate credit may be earned from the following sources: The Advanced Placement Program (AP), 大学水平考试计划(CLEP), 国际文凭课程(IB), 剑桥国际考试, 军事学习 (includes military transcripts and DSST – formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests), 以及函授课程.

AP Credit

Delta State will grant credit to students for a score of 3 or higher on the College Entrance Examination Board’s (CEEB) Advanced Placement Program offered through their high schools.  在学生注册DSU的课程之前,不会记录学分.  任何可接受的AP分数都可以作为选修学分, 但只有特定的考试才能满足DSU的课程要求.  Students must have an official AP report sent to the 注册处 from College Board.  有关可获得学分的课程,请参阅以下文件.  Credit for additional courses may be awarded with approval from the relevant department Chair and Dean.


The College-Level Examination Program or CLEP provides students of any age with the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate college course content. Academic credit on the subject examinations is awarded to students who are enrolled at Delta State and who make the scores listed in the CLEP考试学分 document below.  任何可接受的CLEP学分都可以用作通识教育或选修学分.  The applicability of credit toward degree requirements is determined by the relevant advisor, chair and dean.  学生必须将CLEP成绩发送到注册办公室, KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载, 太阳花西路1003号.肯特怀亚特大厅152,克利夫兰,密歇根州38733.

CLEP考试可在继续教育办公室预约, con-ed@hebhgkq.com, p: 662-846-4833.


An International Baccalaureate (IB) official transcript of grades must be sent to the Delta State 注册处 to evaluate, 授予适当的大学学分, 并阐明IB考试所满足的具体大学课程. 学生可以获得3到14个学分, per subject, 这取决于IB考试的科目和分数. Students presenting an IB diploma may receive a minimum of 24 course-specific semester credit hours in the appropriate subject area. Students will not receive college credit for any subject area with an examination score lower than 4.  The 注册处 will award credit for the Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL) exams as approved by the relevant department chair and dean.


Students entering Delta State for the first time may be granted credit for examinations administered by Cambridge International. 作为as level或A level课程一部分的课程将被考虑. 考试成绩达到E或以上(A*)的学生将获得学科领域学分, A, B, C, D, E).  CR成绩出现在获得剑桥学分的课程成绩单上. 这些课程不会影响学生的平均成绩. Applicability of such credit to a specific degree is to be determined by the appropriate dean. Students who participate in the CIE program may be granted credit as approved by the relevant department chair and dean.


A student with military service may submit the appropriate military documents and receive credit for military service schools and activities. Students must submit an official Joint Services Transcript (JST) or DSST scores to the 注册处.  The 注册处 will send the transcripts or scores to the relevant faculty advisor for review for general articulation of credit. Any application of courses toward degree requirements must be approved by the relevant chair and dean.  Recommendations of the American Council on Education are used in determining credit awarded.